Deewangi - 2nd Last Ep 40 || English Subtitles || 19th August 2020 - HAR PAL GEO

Sir,Haroon's condition is basic, sir, the odds ofhis endurance are low. Sir, according to the doctor,even on the off 

chance that he endures, he will be intellectually andphysically crippled. Alright, is the mishap report prepared? Indeed 

sir, the report is prepared, I have told the emergency clinic individuals, I have likewise told the media torun the report 

of his mishap. Sir, nobody had the smallest of uncertainty thatHaroon's condition is a direct result of torment, indeed,

 it's a mishap. Humm, Send somebody to the hospital,I need standard reports. Truly, sir. This isn't an accident,it can't 

be a mishap. In the event that it is anything but an accident,then what is this madam? We have done our 

investigationand additionally taken reports from the observers. My significant other has torturemarks on his body, he 

has been tortured,you are considering it a mishap. Look you are squandering your timeas well as the specialists. why 

not tellthese individuals anything? The patient hasregained cognizance. Express gratitude toward God. Haroon. 

Haroon, open your eyes. See, we are for the most part here. Mom, me, Rida. We are all with you. Open your eyes 

Haroon. Haroon, my child, see me, open your eyes. What did you do Sultan? I didn't advise you to execute him, I gave

 you news ofhim coming with the goal that you can spare yourself from the disrespectyou would have looked at his 

hand. In any case, you.. I didn't attempt to murder him Ramsha, he had an accidentbefore he contacted me. Try not to 

stress, I will get him the best treatment, both of you will move to Dubai soon, everything will resemble previously. 

See, due to the injury bothhis legs and spinal line are harmed and the hit to the headleft him intellectually unsteady. 

You think he is in a state of unconsciousness. Goodness God, specialist, any treatment. Wont my sibling be ableto 

walk like previously? it will require some investment and cash. He may need to remain admittedfor a half year or 1 

year. Goodness God, a half year or 1 year? This can't be my child's report, he can't be handicapped,this isn't accurate. 

See, I comprehend your pain,be solid and go to God. You? How could you come here? where is Haroon? Let me 

know. Is theresomething to stress over? Aunt, where is Haroon? Is all alright? The specialist has said he is fine, right?

Nothing has transpired, correct? Explain to me aunty,please disclose to me Why are you conversing with her,talk to 

me? Are unsettled gettingHaroon in this condition? You ought to be embarrassed, however young ladies like youare 

not embarrassed. This isn't an ideal opportunity to discuss this, we can discuss this later. Don't you see Haroon's 

condition? Aunt, converse with her. my child is in this conditionbecause of both of you. No aunt, not as a result of us,

 Sultan Durrani. Indeed, Sultan Durrani turned into my child's enemycause of her or, in all likelihood my child had no

 hostility. As a result of her, Haroon went to meet Sultan Durraniand this mishap occurred. There has been no mishap,

 this has all been done bySultan Durrani's men to murder Haroon. How might you say this? Tell me,what verification 

do you have? Trust me aunt, trust me. Did you individuals record a FIR? No, the police have wouldn't do 

aninvestigation by saying this is a mishap, not a homicide and the witnesseshave given their announcements. For what

 reason did you trust them? Why? You don't have a clue, he probably purchased those individuals, similar to he 

purchased meand the others. I'm not catching your meaning? I am sorry aunt, Sultan Durrani paid me abig aggregate to

 take Haroon away. He needed to separateNageen and Haroon. I needed to take himaway with him until the end of 

time. I tuned in to him, I got narrow minded, you pardon me. Pardon me, I truly hurt you, I realize I have harmed you 

as well. what do you think? Just Sultan Durrani is responsiblefor Haroon's condition? You are similarly dependable. 

Escape here,don't show your face here once more. how might you help us? How might you help us? You go to the 

police headquarters, get a FIR documented, disclose to them you question Sultan Durrani, I have a ton of videos,SMS

 and that confirmation is sufficient aunt. Would you be able to show me thosevideos and messages? That is the reason 

I am here, I need… No! We don't question anyone,we are not documenting a FIR do you get it? We don't know 

anyoneby the name of Sultan Durrani, we don't question anybody. what are you saying? What are you saying aunt? 

Here, your child isfighting among life and demise and you are stating this.. I recognize what I need to do, it's best you

 leave from here orI will drag you out of here myself. Mother, hear her out once,she has verification… Don't you dare 

talk about evidence. We don't need any confirmation, God knows how we will have tosuffer reason for a cursed young 

lady like you. Get Lost from here,get out from here. mom… Don't you dare call me mom, we are dead for you. Leave 

with this young lady and tune in, feel that Haroon is dead for you,now you and him have no connection. Try not to 

state that mother, Rida,talk to mom. Mom, tune in. You accompany. No, I can't leave Haroon and go. Nobody is 

askingyou to leave Haroon, he is yours,you have a privilege on him, I don't merit Haroon. It doesn't make a difference.

 Your genuine romance won infront of my egotistical love. Presently you deal with Haroon, don't leave him. At the 

present time you accompany me, I have to show you the evidence. Please. I will such a report about you,it will make a

 scene. Individuals just know thatyou badgering a helpless young lady, yet they don't know thatyou vowed to wed her 

and afterward hijacked her. I had hijacked Nageen, I will something to you thatyou wont overlook ever. I acknowledge

 your arrangement, you can help me getHaroon out of Nageen's life. You needed to settle inDubai with Haroon you 

will get your arrangement letter tomorrow.I will give you 20 million and a furnishedapartment in Dubai. What 

confirmation does she have? sir, that I don't have a clue, yet she was telling Haroon's mothershe has confirmation 

against you, that she will introduce in court andfile an instance of homicide on you. Possibly some video cuts what 

ever video clip,what ever evidence she has, I need it today at all expense. Regardless of whether you need to slaughter 

Ramsha for it. Sir another homicide? We can consider itpay Ramsha and do this. You do what I let you know. I need

 that evidence at all expense. OK sir Losing a man like Haroon, I am going throughso much torment, you have no clue,

 I have not carried on a solitary day joyfully. I left Haroon for cash and hedidn't come to me for that cash. He is biting 

the dust Nageen. He is passing on and I can sit idle. Try not to state that he will be fine, you will see he will be with us

. This is reason for me. All my shortcoming. I wish I didn't hear him out, he said he would take me to Dubai and I wil

l get time to spend withHaroon and I trusted him. In the event that you truly need task something for Haroon, at that 

point you need to help me, raise your voiceagainst Sultan Durrani. that is the reason I called you here, I need you to go

 to the police and tell themabout Sultan Durrani and record a case. I am going to Lahore for2 days to my folks, when I 

return,I will get a decent legal counselor and battle the case. Till then you need to bestrong and uphold me. To be 

completely forthright, I have gotten couragemeeting you or, more than likely I… I know the torment you are 

experiencing, you need a ton of fortitude and strengthto battle somebody like Sultan Durrani. We should play thisgame

 cautiously and discreetly, if Sultan Durrani discovers thatI am supporting you, he will be after my life. the 

verifications you havegiven me are sufficient. Presently I will show the world thereal face of Sultan Durrani. I have 

whatsapp you the recordings, presently you should battle alone. I will go, Rida and mom will be separated from 

everyone else. Bye Mama, eat a bit. I would prefer not to eat anything. What are you saying? You have not eaten since

 yesterday,sister in law took care of you strongly. Try not to take her name before me. You are getting a call. Who

 right? I don't have the foggiest idea. Hi. I am calling from Mr. Ruler Durrani's office. I needed to state that he is taking

 theresponsibility of your child's treatment and now you can getyour child treated uninhibitedly. The companywill pay 

the cost. I don't need anybody's assistance, I will get my child treated myself, I will do it without anyone's help. 

Regardless of whether I need to sellmy riches or anything, yet I wont take damnation fromSultan like creature. As you 

wish. Hear one out thing and tell your little girl in law that documenting a FIR or going on media againstMr. King 

won't have great outcomes. Go let him know, don't stress, I have left everything to God,he will give me equity. I think

 you and your little girl in law don'tknow the results of conflicting with Mr. King. I have likewise heard that you have

 ayoung and pretty little girl. who was it mother? One moment, stop. For what reason did you come here? What have 

you come here for? What happened mama?What did sister in law do? You hush up. She got my child in the condition 

he istoday and you ask me what she did. Sister in law, where did you go?Are you feeling alright? I went to Ramsha's 

home, she gave me verification against Sultan. I will go get a FIR documented tomorrow and Ramsha additionally 

promisedshe will get a decent legal counselor for us. Sister in law, would you say you are telling the truth?You will get 

equity for sibling? I won't care about my life, however I will get equity. We don't need equity What are you saying 

mom? You hush up andstay away from this issue. I have lost Haroon,I don't have any desire to lose you. You leave us

 for God's sake,get out of our lives. Fine mother, I will go however just once let Haroon get fine. I will go far away 

from your life. Indeed, at that point go at this moment, leave. I can't tolerateyou here for a second. For what reason 

would you say you are stating this? I beseech you, don't make me leave at this moment. How might I leave Haroon 

like this? Its best for him that you leave. Cause till you are in his life,your Sultan will do this with us. It's best you go 

to court,get a detachment, wed Sultan and disregard us. Where do I go? To whom? I don't have anybody in this large 

city. Ramsha, truly, I ought to go to Ramsha. sibling, what occurred here? A self destruction case has been accounted 

for, a commentator shot herselfand ended it all. What, Sir, this isn't a suicide,someone slaughtered her. This is a self 

destruction. yet, for what reason would she slaughter her self. An individual get passionate in loveand this is the thing 

that occurred with Ramsha. we have the revealing official with us,so sir, was this a homicide or self destruction. this 

was her disappointment in love,that is the thing that she wrote in her self destruction note. Has the posthumous....

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