Mera Dil Mera Dushman Episode 51 [Subtitle Eng] - 25th August 2020 - ARY Digital Drama

Maira concurred effectively, however Zafar! he was so obstinate you don't need to apologize what more would have occurred? uncle would have isolated the house, it would have been beneficial for all of us this has happened as a result of Ayesha you'll see! I won't extra her leave it, mother! presently, you can't hurt her by any means, presently, she is your girl in law prior, the issue was extraordinary!

 presently, she is in my control you simply observe, what game I will play I've been tuning in to every single such talk of yours since youth you were unable to do anything around then, nor you can do anything now you did well! father shouldn't be pardoned why should I rebuff anyone?

 what's more, to be completely forthright, Ayesha... presently, these issues doesn't have any effect to me sister's statement of regret, her conciliatory words on my torment, everything is simply squander! will I say a certain something? when an individual is questioned at that point, individuals discover everything about mix-up & partner it today,

 in light of you I've been demonstrated as liberated from blame don't have the foggiest idea, what will occur in future & till when I'll substantiating myself that I'm not to blame I know, you are so much hurt however, give one opportunity to father, kindly do you know reality which was appeared to him, was so great... that is the reason he was bamboozled yet,

 trust me he is liable! kindly give father one possibility for the good of I know, your heart is enormous & you'll pardon him your heart is exceptionally huge, Ayeshabut,

 I don't have that much fortitude to do this I can just say, that... may God give some insight to aunt give me, let me do this hello no! I will do it you can help me in the arrangement of curry Javed, I'm thinking to go for a looking for infant yes? what do you think?

 I've set aside some cash, presently observe! they'll be utilized here truly, fine... we'll go at night simply figure, it will be such a delightful second when our youngster will be in my lap! I will cherish & kiss him to such an extent! I will talk & play with him unfailingly... I will converse with him unendingly! in the event that God willing! I'll likewise adore my youngster so much God has favored us with a joy after so long if God willing! &

 you'll see our youngster will be pleasant, exceptionally delightful if God willing you know, I've heard that infants get malicious attention effectively yes! I'm stating right and so as to spare my youngster from a hostile stare, I'll put a dark string on it's wrist by that, it's not possible for anyone to rank any stink eye on my kid may God spare my kid from every hostile stare Ameen goodness yes! on the off chance that it will be a young lady, at that point I'll keep her name and in the event that it will be a kid, at that point you need to keep his name I don't think a lot about young men name look! above all else... on the off chance that you bring forth a kid or a young lady, them two are honored by God at the same time, whatever occurs... you'll keep the name, 

since you are the mother the water is hot, come & clean up where are you going? no compelling reason to go stay here calmly its simply that you need a high temp water, correct? release me & do it what happen Shaheena, don't you stress! your significant other has come to you well... you rest, you'll lift up such an overwhelming basin? please, continue resting I'll do a ton of looking for my kid... aunt, come & eat No, I'm not eager eat a few, at that point you need to accept the medication too stop your garbage! & go from here! I would even prefer not to see your face as a result of you, 

today, I need to overlap my hands & apologize to Maira! do recall! I will never endure this discourtesy! fine! try not to excuse me yet, come & have food kindly do damnation with the food what do you think? you'll persuade me by doing every one of these demonstrations? 

No! Ayesha... you've broke my trust for that Maira, about whom when you'll become more acquainted with reality, at that point you'll be astounded what do you think? Shahmeer is my child, & you are his significant other however Shahmeer, will regard his mom what will I do, aunt? my spirit wasn't permitting me to remain calm goodness! indeed, even my spirit isn't permitting me to remain calm I'm stunned, that why I remained calm for such a long time? yet, no! presently,

 I won't remain calm now, I'll talk... I'll report it wherever what will you say? what will you tell? live cheerfully for certain days then from that point forward, the ground will turn out to be less for you to remain alive when you didn't regarded me, at that point for what reason will I think about you? this is my guarantee that, presently you'll not stay cheerfully for additional days okay aunt, as you wish! I despite everything regard you, till date huh! she doesn't have the foggiest idea, what is going to occur with her till when you'll remain vexed, Maira?

 what's my worth, that I'll remain angry with you? stop it now! a great deal of issues occur between spouse & wife, yet it doesn't imply that the relationship closes its simple for you to question me and to accuse me, with no verification to affront me before a ton people, & at that point requesting that I overlook it! look Maira! I'm a finance manager... I truly don't have a clue about every single such thing I haven't said sorry to anyone till date I love you, that is the reason I'm saying 'sorry' to you! presently end this resentment! on the off chance that you need, at that point I can correct this mix-up of mine truly! in what capacity will you correct? we will move to a different house however no! let me address sibling that it was sister's error, so they will move to a different house No! 

no compelling reason to do this I don't need, that your home break due to me gee... when there isn't any regard in the heart, at that point there is no compelling reason to remain together! to be completely forthright, Maira... I was so terrified on the off chance that we wouldn't must know on time & you had eaten the pills, at that point don't have a clue what might have transpired! perhaps, you don't have any thought that as of now you've hurt me a great deal OK,

 I guarantee you... presently, I'll trust you I'll think about your all issues, I guarantee you I've brought a set for you these things can never fulfill me however I will thoroughly take care of your joy in any event, perceive how right? wear it & give me I had advised you, not to contact your cursed hands in my kitchen & in my home next time, in the event that I'll see you in this kitchenthen, I'll break your hands I was setting up my better half's morning meal why?

 why you've begun to get ready breakfast for him? I'm sufficient for him, perceived! truly! in the event that you were sufficient, at that point why he got hitched to me? get lost from here, get lost! hear me out! control your hands & feet, on the off chance that mine will get open, at that point you'll get beaten every day Javed! what occur, Shaheena?Javed... Shaheena, what happen?Javed,

 she has pushed me I had let you know, she is our youngster's enemy...alright! you didn't trusted me!OK please, get up! take me to the hospitalyou think about her condition you sit, if it's not too much trouble sit... take me to the clinic! Javed hi!hi! 

is everything fine? she is having issue in breathing since she has slipped, accordingly there can be different complexities okay, so when would we be able to return home? we can't utter a word now, senior specialist will do a few ultrasounds, at that point we'll become acquainted with something is the kid fine? 

hold up till the morning, we'll do a few tests, at that point just we'll have the option to reveal to you at the present time, pay the cash at the counter Khalid

! pardon me look! I had apologized to Zafar & his significant other, on the grounds that you had requested that I help that you haven't done out, however it was your mix-up, be appreciative, that Maira has pardoned you else, don't have a clue..

. what Zafar would have chosen for us Khalid, you've changed a great deal I'm wiped out since yesterday, & you haven't approached me in any event, for once I'm your significant other, Parveen I'm mindful of all your hues & nature I know, you aren't wiped out... you are simply professing to be wiped out you've baffled me a great deal I had revealed to you commonly, to end the negative disposition from yourself you've gotten hostility with that youngster Maira, for reasons unknown I had apologized to her with my hands collapsed, 

what more I will do? will I hold her feet as well? Khalid, I've generally upheld you in each privilege & wrong choices of yours however, when I required you... at that point you've disregarded me all you've become isolated due to your activities, ParveenI'm with you, today too you've tossed me out of the room, 

you've made my dramatization before the children you've given me this product of our so involved acquaintance? and afterward you state, that I will remain positive! Alright, quit crying now Khalid, I'm coming clean I was truly wiped out specialist has stated, this has occurred because of strain OK, don't figure futile things, do some rest, lye down have you excused me?' truly, I've pardoned you!

 presently don't think a lot, lye down such a little misstep of mine has ruin my work in the event that something happened to Shaheena, at that point Javed won't extra me Javed! what occur? is everything fine? is Shaheena fine? at any rate talk stop your refuse! you know, she was pregnant God disallow, in the event that something awful will occur, at that point recollect! 

I won't let you live calmly also Javed, sorry! pardon me I swear, my goal was right! it was her error, Javed what needed to occur, has happened I don't see, in what capacity will I cover the emergency clinic tab! I don't have a solitary penny in my pocket Javed! I have these cash just, keep them Rabia, I needn't bother with your cash Javed, see... this isn't an ideal opportunity to blow up, if it's not too much trouble keep this cash its simply, nothing will happen to Shaheena & the youngster Maira, that... what is this? when did you purchased this?

 I haven't purchased this, Zafar had brought this last night goodness stunning! it looks so delightful on the off chance that you like it so much, at that point keep it not in the slightest degree, father has brought this for... in the event that you'll wear it, it will look all the more great incidentally, both of you are acceptable with one another? 

indeed, clearly! what else I could have done? do you know, aunt's mind-set is so terrible... she is in so much annoyance she was stating to me, on the off chance that I'll become more acquainted with the truth of Maira, at that point I'll be left surprised! I feel, these days, 

she is watching a great deal of motion pictures dislike father, who can come in anyone's discussions don't you stress, I realize she does schemes would i be able to support you? No, I will do it... keep it securely specialist... presently your better half is out of threat because of God! be that as it may, sorry, we were unable to spare your kid what has occurred, gracious God! how would you discover it? its decent it can't occur, that you picked a conventional thing in the event that you are pointing towards yourself, at that point that is extremely clever

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