Bandhay Ek Dour Se - Ep 11 || English Subtitles || 2nd Sep 2020 - HAR PAL GEO


 see this mama,all this is Mahi’s jewelry. Get it polished,there is no shine. Mama, it is still gold,there was no time. People will see it and know it’sat least 15-20 tolas and Zakia, she gave her nothing Those people were imbeciles, they had told Zakia that thereshould be at least 6-7 sets. She with difficulty and adding her own goldwas able to make 12 tolas. Now 6 sets in 12 tolasmeans nothing. thanksGod we got rid of those people orthey would have cursed for these sets. It’s just me who said nothing. Don’t say anything. Hello aunt. Hello. Hello my queen.Come.

 Come sit. This Razia didn’t make you stuffbut she got great dresses for you see Maheen, these are all for you, mama says they don’t shine, we will give it to the jeweller afterthe reception and get it polished Now Najia will get upset, you gave her 2 dresses and a set of gold. let her get upset,I am upset at her. Okay, will you go showher the dress or not? Yes mama, I will get it,hold this. I will get it. what is it Maheen? You look upset, you don’t talk. No grandma, nothing like that. I apologize on Razia’s behalf, she said yes to me and Fareed andshe will take her anger out on you. Same she did with Najia. She is fine with you,but you are away from her. No, I didn’t mean that grandma, I will try. Look, you are at no strangers, you have your grandmaand uncle here. , Look child the sooner youmake a heart in Razia’s heart, the better. She runs the home, Faris and Umar are in her control. If she doesn’t like you,then she will treat you like Najia. She is strong she stands up, what will you do?

 Yes grandma. Where do you go alone? I had some work what work?That you had to go alone, you have never done that. I don’t likeyou roaming out in the market like this, if you had asked me,I would have come along. Have you ever gonewith me to the market? you used to go with Maheenor the girls in the locality, what was the need to go alone? mama, should I haveMaheen stick with me? When she went to her in laws,did she take me along that I take her? Hey Zakia came. So? It’s the reception, we have to go.You be ready. Reception. Yes, Maheen’s. We have to go. mama they not invited in weddingwhy we go Reception have you gone mad, Roshni? We were invited, you left everything and went to Shahista. but mama that wedding never happened. Did she call us to Umar’s wedding? She didn’t even let us know,let alone invite us. Oh God, Roshni, I feel since you have come fromShahista’s you have gone mad. I just told you everythinghow hasty the wedding was

. Now will you make this the reason to notattend the wedding of your childhood friend. She had nothing in her control, not doing the wedding,nor saying no. why didn’t she have control? She could have said mo, but madam got readythat too to get married. Roshni,I cannot reason with you. Cunning woman. I was tied to your promises, I trusted you. I thought even late but you willdefinitely live up to your promises. Then how could I gettied with someone else. I didn’t give up like you,I stood up, I said no. Being a weak girlI still lived up to my promises. What do I tell her? What do I say? The one who I did all this for,he… Umar, where were you? I didn’t go to work, papa had asked me to take you shopping,but I don’t know where you were. I forgot brother. amazing and what about thecalls and messages I sent? I don’t know the battery must be dead.I don’t know. Okay, let’s go right now, it’s not even 10. No, we will go tomorrow. Hey, it’s your reception tomorrow,we need to get a suit. The wedding was done in borrowed clothes

, I will borrow clothes for the reception, what difference does it make. Umar, what is your problem? You have been married and it’s a good thing. Maheen is a good girl,what are you mourning? tell me something, had mama married you to some other girlshe liked instead of sister in law Najia, then how would you react. I remember you went on a hunger strike,have you forgotten. Man, my deal was different. I was committed to Najia, i couldn’t think of anyone apart from her, but what is your problem? I too am... you wont get it. leave it. Umar. Yeah? Look at this. This veil and this dress andI am getting the same shirt made. Aunt got it made, its good, right? Yeah, good. Is your suit here? No, I will get it tomorrow. The function is in the afternoon tomorrow,what time will you go, when will you come?We have to get ready too. The way the wedding was done in a hurry, I will prepare the same way for the reception.What difference does it make? Should I get you food? No,

 I will have tea. Let me make it. You know I don’t like tea you make. Give me these slippers.Okay, leave it. Farid, look at Umar,he is making tea. Yeah, so? He is married and see him, he is making tea. As far as I can recall, when hewas not married he made his own tea. That was different, but what will anyone say if they see him. The first thing, at 11 pm at night,who will look in the kitchen, secondly, when did you care about someone? You remember mama had anissue with the boys cooking, but you used to say that I will not spoilmy children by feeding them myself. Boys respect don’t reduceby cooking and making tea. Oh God, you just need achance to take your mother’s side. They are my children, I will make them work when I want, but tell me one thing honestly, I have not made my husbandeven have water himself. This is true, I used to get water sitting and along withthat sarcasm, that mama has spoilt you. No problem, it wont happen now. My sons wives wont complain,in fact, they will praise you and say that the mother hasbrought up such good kids. You always go against me and without thinking take the side of others. I didn’t mean that his wifeshould make tea for him. I myself haven’t gotten her to make sweets,I haven’t sent her to the kitchen, but think yourself,this way girls get out of hand, today he is making tea for himself,tomorrow he will make it for his wife.

 You are right, if you want,I will go make you tea. No, I had it,I cannot sleep after tea. Something else? I am not kidding, think of what I said,people will say he is his wife’s pet. Yes. Oh well… I should have madetea for you too, right? Should I make it right now? No, I don’t want it. Then why are you lookingat me like a greedy person. No. Just. Ok fine, lets split it. No. No. I don’t want it Umar,you have it. Why? Cause I had it. Me and you are… One minute. We used to share ice cream,remember? Yes, you used to eat it alland I would only get the stick. No, you used to eat it all andleave me a small piece. Liar. The tea is bad,I could have made it better. That is why I make it myselfand have it myself. Okay listen. Yeah? Did you talk to Roshni? Tell me, did she tell you why she left at the time ofmy wedding and where she went. Maheen, please. I had asked you we will not discuss this, then? When I am with you,I want to remember that you are my cousin and my childhood friend, but talking about this, I feel you want to remind me thatwe are not just friends, but something else. Oh God, that damnedMukhtara didn’t come on time. Lazy bum. Hello aunt. Hello. Will you have tea?

 I am actually also making breakfast. When Umar is up,  will set it. Or will you two have it in the room? Why the room? We will have it with everyone. Tell me, is there somethingI can help you with. You say weird things. I will not let you work, you are the bride,its your reception today. Aunt, I have come to my own home, I used to work here earlier.Come on tell me. It was different earlier, now you are the bride anddaughter in law of this home. Fine aunt, I used to considermyself your daughter, I still do. Live long, haha… Go, come on, wake Umar up. If we don’t wake him up, he sleeps till the afternoon. Come on go, then you have to go to the parlour too. I missed you last night Umar, but I stopped myself from calling you and reminded myself thatyou are someone else’s now. Doesn’t matter if I am still yours, you are not mine. Mine wouldn’t have liked that if you were with herand you would talk to me. Her heart wouldn’t have shuddered one bitadding my Umar’s name in front of her name, but Umar, I didn’t have the courage to takeaway a moment from Maheen’s Umar. You are up? I was coming to wake you up. Mama and grandma are callingyou downstairs for breakfast. If Roshni can forgive all ofUmar’s mistakes and call her, his. Then how canUmar call himself his.

 Every moment of mine is yours,Roshni, even today and tomorrow, till forever. Mama, take out my heavy dress, I have to go to the reception, give me your earrings too,I will wear them with it. you are doing what you want? Is this me doing what I want? If I was doing what I wanted,all this wouldn’t have happened. Look Umar, what you told me yesterday,if you had told me earlier, even if you would have stayed quiet,I would have taken a stand for you. I am also responsible somehow, I wish I had not guessed incorrectly, but what had to happen, happened.We cannot change it. If you have accepted her, then what is thepoint of punishing yourself and Maheen. What do I do brother? Should I forget it all anddance suddenly. No, I just want to say that you don’troam around with this sad face. Think about Maheen,what is her fault in this? When did I say she is at fault? I know she was helpless, nor do I have complains with her. I am talking to her like I used to earlier, like a cousin, normally. this is wrong, you don’t have the samerelation with her like earlier. You are making a mistake by makingher realize that you two are just cousins. She is an innocent girl, she will be fooled by you evenif you just sympathize with her. You will take time to love her, then fake love.

 Not at all brother, this is not possible because I love someone else and Maheen knows her. Wow. Congratulations to you. How is the wedding going? You two look good, really good. What happened? I came to attend your wedding, why the long faces? Ok, lets take a selfie,maybe you two will be happy. Lets take a selfie. Smile, Umar, Maheen. Hey, Umar, Maheen, the picture is not good here, I feel I will have to come in the middle. Maheen, you will give your best friendroom to sit in the middle, right? Of course you will,I am your best friend. Move. Move. I think Umar,you should take a selfie. Maheen, what do you think? Please. What? Ok, fine, what can I do?I will have to fix a timer. Come on. Come on, set yourself. Cheese. Najia, I think we will come later,it’s a function of the home, we will get the picture taken later.Come on. Come. Roshni. Yes? Stop it now. The bride and groom have not gotten their picturestaken this much that you are taking them. Come on. Move. Come down, there are more people waiting fortheir pictures to be taken. This is my place,if someone can move me, then try. This is niceI will put this up on Snapchat. Yes. Look at this girl. She is really good,such a show off. She is a show off.I am sure she is Najia’s friend, not even her wedding,but she is taking the limelight. Look at her. God knows who she is,but she is on the stage. You don’t blame Najia for everything. This is not Najia’s friend,she is Maheen’s childhood friend, what was her name? I don’t remember her name.She lives next door to Razia. She is a show off,she is acting extra special today. Is she married?

 No, not right now. Look at her, she is so dressed up, such a heavy dress,does it look good on single girls? Tell me. Show off. Mansoor. Yes? Mansoor, that…. Come on papa lets take a picture. Yes, the picture is necessary. Smile papa. I will, but where is Umar?Where is he? He went to the washroom. You get your picture taken,don’t be tensed. Yes. Umar? Hello. what are you doing? What happened? What did I do? Why did you come here? Oh, are you scared? hummm, I am not scared. Yes, I am scared for you. This drama of being happy, what if you get sad cause of it. That is why I worry for you. Why did you come here? Without a reason? Why are you testing your patience? Why are you tormenting me and yourself. Don’t do this, I am embarrassed, I am in pain that I did somethingso bad to you and you are so good. Stop it Umar, you are scared cause of Maheen, what if she minds it,or she finds out everything, right? Tell me something… What will she find out?She knows it all. It was different earlier, she is your wife now. When your first love comes in front of his wife,the person gets scared, just like you. Roshni,Maheen is not just my friend, she is yours too,that too childhood friend. She cannot get jealous of anyone,she is a plain, innocent girl. If she doesn’t realize our love,who will? I swear to God, she is sad. She is sadder than us,that she came between us. Maheen is not plain,nor is she innocent. Umar, I feel that you are stupid. Look, Maheen is a woman and a woman cannot share. Look at me, 

I am happily here to bepart of your happiness and look at her face for a moment, she has gone pale. Look Roshni, she… Man, she is my wife for the world, not for me. For me she is my friend,my best friend from my childhood, someone I can share my happiness and sorrows with,I can share everything with her. Okay, then go share your happinessand sorrows with her, have you come here to tellme Maheen’s greatness. Roshni, no I… That’s it. Do you remember my dowry, it was like they gotrid of a responsibility. And here, great dresses were made in 2 days. Old family jewels were given. My family said so much to me, that these are thepeople you were dying to marry. Are these really those people? Yes, why would you speakin my favour, but you will givejustifications for your mother. Ok, fine, this is to be done, I was from outside the family, Maheen is family. Fine, I agree they differentiatedbetween the two daughter in laws, but why the sons, they are their own, then why the difference? 

What happened? We did injustice Najia. Thank God, you finally realize that whathappened with us is injustice. Hey, no. Maheen and Umar. You look really good. This is what everyone said today, right? That is why you are not changing. I don’t know how girls wearsuch heavy clothes and jewellery. These are envelopes forthe money we collected. Count it, like we used to gathertogether and count our Eidi, just think that we got promoted. Why did Roshni come, Umar? 

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