Jalan Episode 12 - Presented by Ariel [Subtitle Eng] - 2nd September 2020 - ARY Digital

  Meenu! what happened, my love? yes? in what condition you are? why are you sitting here like this? yes? mom, everything is finished! everything! she took away everything from me she has snatched away everything from me she also took away my Asfand from me mom, please ask her to keep everything of mine, also keep this house... just bring back my Asfand to me mom, I beg in front of you I beg in your feet, please bring back my Asfand to me Meenu...

  I cannot live without him, I will die, momI'm nothing without him oh my love! my child... at least tell me, what happened? mom, I will die without Asfand I cannot live without him, mom he has also left me what are you saying, child? what are you saying? tell me, what happened? mom, what's my fault? I've always done good with everyone, right? then, why so much oppression is done to me? why everybody do this to me? I feel, as if somebody is cutting my soul I'm fully covered in blood, mom can't you see my blood? look at my hand, there were just four lines in it she took those as well from me, she has ruined everything, mom! everything! she has burn my house tell me, what happened? please tell me she didn't even thought about my child what! child? what happened to the child?

 Meenu! what happened to the child? Meenu, gain back your conscious... what happened child? is anyone there at home! come here & see, what happened to herMeenu, my child, gain back your conscious my child, Meenu... Meenu what does she think of herself? by throwing me out of the house, she can push me out of your life as well? all isn't that easily! what she has done? she has just got married to you, right? but I? I've fallen in love with you and she doesn't understands all these relations if there would have been any other husband of hers in your place, then she would have stayed this much happily with him as well *phone ringing* why is she calling you now? no need to listen to it Nisha, you...  Asfand, it's enough now now, you've to take the decision, whether you want Nisha or Misha *phone ringing* the call is coming again, please let me listen, what she wants to say what she wanted to talk about? she must be doing drama, she will cry & 

make you fool you really want to talk to her? talk on the loud speaker, let me listen as well *phone ringing* hello! hello! sir Asfand, I've been calling you since so long why, what happen? madam is really not well, she has fainted and, her mother has taken her to the hospital what! this is some new drama I'm going to the hospital I'm telling you, you won't go therewhat's the need to go there? she is in the hospital, right?I want her to die restlessly Nisha, for God's sake! don't you understand, what I'm saying to you? I won't let you go now, you have to decide do you want Misha or Nisha! hi! so, finally you've got time for your wife? are you seeing, in what condition she is in now? what you've said to her, that she was crying so badly? what she was saying! who took away everything from her? have you done second marriage? why are you quiet now? why don't you speak? do you know? my child was so near to the death what tension she took, that she is in this condition? aunty, actually... we have brought up our daughters with so much love & care we've never let any tear come into their eyes, and you have...  hi! you! who are you? I'm her husband you look quite sensible person, but as per your wife's matter you seems so careless don't you care for her or for your child? trust me,

 I really feel sorry for people like you... who doesn't even learn anything, even after getting the degrees the uneducated husbands are far more better than you, who at least love their children, if they don't love their wife what are you saying?I was busy in the work, that's why...  just see, this busy attitude of yours, can be harmful for you you know this very well, that these are the last months of your wife's pregnancy and in this condition, a woman needs more care & attention from her husband please, give proper time to her & take care of her and I'm telling you... for her, an ordinary tension can be risky as well rest is your wish...  yes, I will try OK, please go out for a while... I've to do her check up thank you! tell me, is your daughter happy in her house? I mean, is there any tension or worry? No, she is so happy my so in law has done love marriage with my daughter  OK...

 fine, thank you! Sharmeen, come & cover madam Nisha, you've come?how is madam Misha? I don't know about her condition and I've got so much headache, go 7 bring a cup of coffee for me OK, listen! yes go & check, if there is something to eat in the house, do bring that as well alright where is dad? he has gone to the hospital give me TV remote hmm...  has Sabra called? nobody had called, but madam had gone to pick you from madam Misha's house she came to pick me! yes, she seems so worried... I had asked her, but she didn't tell me anything sir was also very angry hmm... was he saying anything? yes, he was saying something to madam... he was making so much noise OK, you go & don't talk so much! go & bring the coffee quickly OK, I'm bringing I don't feel like doing anything, because of madam Misha's condition madam Misha! again madam Misha? is she your real sister, that you feel so much for her? your work is limited to kitchen, right? so please stay till there only... in future, don't interfere in house related matters go & bring the coffee it's good that mom & dad has got to know by themselves now, I don't have to wait much longer

 I had talked to Nisha, she was saying that she'll reach home by night really? I'm coming from home, but she hasn't reached as of yet yes, so maybe... she had reached as soon as you had left she didn't came to meet Meenu in the hospital? the car is with you, also the driver... so, how could she have come? Sajeela, what are you saying? she roams around the whole city all alone, and to come to the hospital she needs a car & a driver! No, I mean to say that...  means! Sajeela, her sister is in a critical condition and I feel, she is responsible for this condition of Meenu's what! what are you saying? what am I saying...  just pray, whatever I'm thinking, it shouldn't be like that, else it will be so bad, Sajeela why are you talking in riddles, say it clearly! I'm not telling clearly, because right now I'm just praying that that, God... please save our rest of the respect are you in the hospital? No, I'm on my way... about to reach why are you going there?mom & dad are there, they'll look after her Nisha, try to understand... its important for me to be there its not important at all, Asfand the way she had insulted & pushed me out of the house yesterday, all is the result of that, she is bearing at the moment she is doing this drama of fainting, to show it mom & dad only... nothing else Nisha, I'm about to reach the hospital now, I'll talk to you later, bye! listen to me! Ahmer, take this... try it! what is this? its the dress & suit for your nikkah, what else? you really enjoy, right? 

by freshening my wounds, you enjoy a lot! you are being happy, to see me in this condition what a sister you are? I really don't have time, Ahmer... for your useless talks do you understand? I've got a lot of work to do and here you are, you are sitting in your room as if you are the bride I & Azeem have to do everything outside because, only both of you wanted to get me married its not my desire, Ahmer... its my compulsion else tell me... you are only one brother of mine should I have got you married like mourning? I shouldn't have done an extravagant wedding? now come, take this & get ready on time, ok? if you say so, shall I go right away to Salon to get ready? for God sake, Ahmer... stop it! don't start now I'm already tired of listening to people's taunts, I cannot listen to your taunts as well do as I've asked you to do! take this ring of yours, & keep it with you today, I break all my relations with you you cannot do this to me, Asfi you love me...  I don't love you I don't! what happen?she hasn't gained conscious? No, she is in sedation due to medicines when she'll be discharged? whenever the doctors will do her and if your done with taking care of her, then can we go? where? I'm hungry...  I've already eaten food but, I want to go with you Nisha, you eat...

 I'm here I haven't had any talk with mom I think, Meenu has told her everything I don't think so that Meenu has told her attitude was completely fine with me if Meenu would have said something, then...  she wouldn't have seen my face even whatever is the matter, Asfand... divorce Meenu, as soon as possible, nothing shall come on my head! I had to do this, but she has listened to our discussion & such a big drama was created she didn't created a scene, you have I had been asking you for so long to divorce her, but I feel, you don't want to leave her when I've decided already, so I'll leave her whatever you want to do, do it quickly, Asfandmom is showing me proposals every other day, I cannot refuse I had a doubt about this what if its truth, that I've seen with my own eyes I had told you, Sajeela your own daughter is responsible for my Meenu's condition this rascal girl has robbed her own sister's house and you! you'll prove to be such a degraded person, I've never thought about it I have handed over my such a delicate daughter to you, but you are worse than mud I feel disgusted, I feel disgusted to see both of you shameless, characterless girl... there is a limit of being shameless what was missing in my upbringing, that you are having an affair with your own sister's husband and you! don't you feel ashamed while having an affair with your sister in law?

 what sort of blood is running in your veins, & from which family...  don't bring my family in between stop you rubbish, Asfand get out of here, right now I cannot tolerate your sinful & disgusting presence, nearby my naive & innocent daughter what you'll leave my daughter? I'll take the decision myself get out of here! get out! Asfand, go from here... get away from my sight! and to her...  you cannot be my blood come...  dad, leave my hand dad, leave my hand... what are you doing? don't talk rubbish! leave my hand... its hurting, dad this pain is so less than the one, you have given us leave my hand I will strangle you to death here only, let's go from here dad, leave my hand... what are you doing? I don't want to go anywhere dad, I don't want to go anywhere... what are you doing? dad dad, leave my hand...  only your funeral will come out of this room, do you understand? and everyone listen! she'll not come out of this house I will break your legs dad, dad! dad!...  yes, yes... Hi! brother Aleem, how are you? brother Aleem, remember you had told about a guy for Nisha yes, yes...  is it possible for you to come along with the priest? 

yes, we want to do the nikkah today, also we want to wed her off today only yes, yes thank you so much, brother Aleem, thank you! you are so clever! you've trapped Ahmer with this innocent face of yours else, he never use to look at anyone he was so high in attitude, that he use to find it sinful to speak to us simple girls like us, doesn't know such remedies we've just read the books all our lives look at Areej, she has fit the whole game in just four days  what does it mean, I've fit the game? we are getting married, as per our family's choice which family? your parents are in America all this is happening, as per sister Humera's desire... she is so clever, like you are hey, don't you people know... tomorrow morning is brother Ahmer's flight, that's why this wedding is happening so quickly yes, whoever wants to gossip, may do it.. we don't care at least, stay quiet for todayyou are a bride but you are talking so much,

 that's why you don't look beautiful No, no... she looks so beautiful, brother Ahmer will keep looking at her by the way, Areej... do let us know these tricks, so that we shall get married so quickly marriage is about luck, when the right time is there, it will happen there isn't any such thing like luck, one needs to struggle now look! Nisha had got engaged to Ahmer their love story was so famous in the whole family but what happen? you've won! by the way, I'm thinking... how Areej will tolerate all this? whether it is a second hand thing or love, it is already used though Ahmer was so crazy for Nisha, don't know he'll be able to forget her or not? what does it mean, will he be able to forget her or not?... Nisha is his past of-course, he'll forget her... and past is to forget what's happening! the priest is about to come, be quick! Nisha...  wear this dress & come downstairs with Sofia why?

 because, today is your wedding wedding! yes, wedding... and yours! today, your funeral is being taken away from this house, Nishaso wear these white clothes why you are trying to force on me? shut your tongue, else I'll cut it off alright, then cut it.. break my hands & legs, make me disable but, you cannot throw me out of here that easily I wish, I could have killed you & buried you here in this room but, I don't want to keep such a filthy person like you in my house mud is thrown outside, so we are doing the same do one thing, take this white dress along with you go & give this dress to your dearest daughter Misha because, she'll be needing this in her iddat (period of waiting after divorce) hapless, shameless, scapegrace girl I'll kill you.. I will kill you!madam,

 what are you doing? will you kill Nisha madam? thousands of people die, why she doesn't die? instead of somebody else, why she doesn't die? your curse will not effect me! go & tell dad if he loves his remaining respect, then refuse those people else, these people will throw the stones... stones! Ahmer Aziz, son of Aziz Ahmed your wedding is confirmed with Areej Fatima daughter of Haseeb Ali, with dower of Rs. 5 lacs, as per nowadays do you accept this wedding? I accept do you accept this wedding? I accept do you accept this wedding? I accept Sofia! why you haven't brought her as of yet? she hasn't come outside till now what! she hasn't come out? No Nisha...  madam, control yourself... you'll fall sick oh! Nisha you scapegrace , what you've done? may God put you hell, may you die you've killed us alive...  what you've done Nisha! what you've done? see... 

 what happen? may you die Nisha, may you die in an accident may you rot in hell Nisha she hasn't left us capable to show our face to somebody madam, control yourself that's why she was saying that people will throw stones on us, Mr. Tanveer she has left after throwing the first stone on us she hasn't left us capable to show our face to somebody, Mr. Tanvir how will we face anyone? Nisha....  don't do this, please get up please don't do this to me... for God sake, get up sir, what happened to you, sir?go & bring water get up, please don't do this... Mr. Tanveer get up, what happened to you? don't do this *phone ringing* yes sister where are you people, Asfi? I've been trying to call you people since so many days neither you are attending the call, nor Meenu is receiving the phone, what happened? sister, actually.. I was a bit busy where were you busy? in the hospital? what happened to Meenu? why she keeps on being unwell? tell me Asfi, if you cannot take care of her, then I will come to Pakistan No, she is fine, sister... don't take tension how shall I not take tension? I keep worrying for her at all times I know about you, that how much careless you are but Asfand, Meenu's condition isn't of that type, that you become careless for her sister, you are taking tension for no reason, there isn't any such thing I'm not getting worried uselessly, Asfand Sabra told me, she got fainted that dayhow she got fainted? sister, I've just come homeI'll call you in a while alright fine but, whenever you go to the hospital, do make me talk to Meenu, OK! I want to talk to her, Asfi, OK! yes, sister...

 OK sir, shall I serve the dinner? why did you tell sister about Misha? madam had called, she was asking about your wife... so, I've told her next time if sister calls, then there is no need to tell her anything OK sir go & check, who has come outside OK sir thank you so much, Mr. Butt come please Mr. Tanveer, get well soon what are you doing this to me? don't do this brother Aleem, Nisha has done such an oppression on us she has brought a hell on us don't know, what was missing in our upbringing that she became so stone hearted she has killed us alive the children nowadays are so emotional & selfish neither they think about their profit or loss, nor they think about the respect of their elder, while taking any wrong step whatever thinking is there in their mind, they just do it I know Sajeela, this is such a difficult moment for you people but, the problem will not be solved by crying she has give us the pain for lifetime, brother Aleem all our life we use to be afraid, what if somebody said this or that whose mouth we'll shut now?

 have some patience, Sajeela what if brother Tanveer's condition gets more bad, if you'll cry like this Meenu is also in the hospital anyways, she has got Asfand with her to take care of her but here, its just you for brother Tanveer Sajeela, stop it for God's sake I can't see you crying she has done so much injustice to us, brother Aleem oh God, what shall I do? I will give you one suggestion don't share this incident with Asfand he is the son in law of this house because of this act of Nisha's what if there will be any effect on the relation of both of them just, be patient! Mr. Tanveer, for God sake get up, open your eyes what shall I do? 

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