Kashf Episode 20 | English Subtitles | HUM TV Drama 25 August 2020

  Oh God, please save me. Oh God, please save me. You did all this right? What? What did I do? Don't act innocent Zoya. I had a dream of you spattering dirt on me and I have belief in my dreams. And I also know that only you can do this. What dream are you talking about and why will I do this? Because you wanted Wajdan but I was already ready to give Wajdan to you Zoya. Then why did you have to spatter dirt on my character like that? What are you saying? I haven't done anything of this sort Come here and look at me. Who asked you to do all this? Because I can't believe that my sister can be so cruel. Tell me Who enticed you to do this? Who told you that if you do this then you’ll get to marry Wajdan? What are you saying?

 What have I done to you? Mom! Look at her, look at what she’s saying. What are you doing? Have you gone mad? I am telling the truth. She did all this because she wanted to marry Wajdan. No. I'll tell you, she has done all this on purpose because she want’s people’s sympathy or maybe so that she can get rid of the sanctuary. Lies! You’re lying! Why would I do that? Tell the truth! Tell the truth Zoya! She’s right! Don't you dare and say another word. You must have gotten this done. you used to talk about the sanctuary being shut down 100 times a day. You had gotten fed up with earning for us. No mom.. You wanted all this to happen so that you could finally be free! So that you don’t feel responsible for us! It’s shut down now! No mom, it isn’t like that.. Stop it! Don’t call me your mom!

 I used to have such a high regard for you and look what you turned out to be! Selfish! Shameless! Let’s go Zoya. If the sanctuary shuts down then will be left with nothing. This grandeur, these luxuries, everything will end. All my dreams will get destroyed. I won’t let that happen, even if I have to kill someone. I’ll do whatever I can but I won’t let the sanctuary shut down. So did you think of how we can save ourselves from this accusation? Say something mom. Ashi? Dilshad? Do you guys have a solution to this? What you did wasn’t right Kashf. Why did you do this? I was getting you married to Wajdan then why did you have to do all this? How many times do I say that I haven’t done anything wrong. You’re still saying you haven’t done anything wrong? What do we call wrong then? I saw it with my own eyes what you were doing with Wajdan at the sanctuary. How do I tell you that video is a lie? I haven’t done anything, I can swear upon anyone!

 May I die if I’m lying. God forbid that you die. May God give you a long life and may keep the sanctuary populated. Kashf, let’s say that you didn’t make a mistake okay? But the video clearly shows that Wajdan is sitting next to you We were talking aunty, I got emotional on something so he was wiping my tears. He was being sympathetic towards me and nothing more than that. Would you listen to what she’s saying, nothing more than that. Look Kashf, if it was some other girl who was engaged then everybody would have understood that they’ll also get married soon but Kashf you’re a Saint . You should have at least asked Wajdan not to sit so close to you. If you honestly ask me then you’re to blame for this. Tell me this, did you see a dream for whatever happened? You’re absolutely right to ask this Imtiaz. You see a dream regarding every other person but you couldn’t see this? I did have a dream, I just couldn’t interpret it. I didn’t know that my enemy would stab me in the back. Enemy? Yes, enemy. Whatever happened shouldn't have. I don't care about my insult but the people who are pointing fingers at you, the ones who are ruining your reputation,

 I feel like pulling their tongues out who are talking ill about you! It's not their fault Wajdan, it's our fault. We gave them the opportunity to talk. I used to ask you not to come to the sanctuary, to stay away from me. Nothing is left Wajdan, everything is finished. No no Kashf, don’t say that. Nothing has happened. We haven't done anything wrong. but people won't believe us They will believe us, I will make people believe. I'll go and tell each and every one that you are innocent and that we haven't done anything wrong You yourself are one of the accused, who will believe you? Everyone will believe me when I will expose the person who conspired against you Do you know who did it? I don't know for now but I will find out soon. There could only be two possibilities,

 either someone is not okay with us getting married or the stature that you have built for yourself from your dreams, someone is jealous of that, that is why somebody conspired against you. Don't worry, respect and disgrace is only in the hands of God. You will be proven innocent soon. I am ready to obey whatever order that you will give me. Then accept it, Whatever that has happened is a sign showing us that we can't be together What are you saying Kashf? Kashf? Hello? Hello? Did you talk to them? Yes, people are very angry and.. And what? I got to know that people even tried  to burn the Sanctuary down. Thank god the police were nearby so the people ran away when they saw them otherwise anything could have happened. I would suggest that you should find a solution otherwise we’ll have to close down the sanctuary for good I am not able to find the solution Shall I give you the solution? You.. I felt sad Imtiaz when I got to know that Wajdan and Kashf did such a cheap act at the sanctuary. I feel even sadder seeing the condition of the sanctuary.

 I can see from your face face at how sad you’re feeling about the condition of the sanctuary You are the reason behind all these conditions. I had asked you not to open up a separate sanctuary and not to stand against me but you wanted to open up your own sanctuary. Did you see the result that came out of that? Now you're bearing the loss. So you were behind all this. I had an idea, I knew that nobody can stoop as low as Mateeullah. You tried doing this before also by enticing my daughter and now you’ve accused Kashf of such a cheap act! You look nice looking angry, very nice, just like Ashi. You are her brother after all. You’re facing such a bad time but I can make this time better. You’ll have to join hands with me and I will make people believe that whatever they saw isn't true, it’s a conspiracy and only Mateeullah can do all this. I will join hands with you?

 Forgetting how you pulled my collar and tried raising your hand on me? Imtiaz, how will you move on in life if you will remember these small things? Forget it. Mateeullah, go away from here and don't ever come this way again. I’ll leave but remember one thing, whatever that has happened is just the beginning. Wait and watch what else will happen to you. We’ll see Mateeullah.. We’ll see.. Whatever that happened shouldn’t have. All of you shifted and came here but it’s a struggle for me to live here. When I leave my house, people stare at me weirdly, they fleer at me. I always asked you all to control your children but who listens to us elders? Now look at the outcome..

 Oh Rahida, What difference does it make for you You’re a mother of a son anyways, people will stop talking soon Fingers will be pointed at our daughter all her life! And It's not like we have left the neighbourhood. The Sanctuary is still there and we are the ones bearing the loss. Do you know we bear the loss of lacs per day? What else.Your shop will keep running, we are the ones bearing the loss. Your son is the one who is at fault and we are the ones facing the consequences. You should have made Wajdan understand right now instead you’re complaining to us. Mom, why are you quiet now? Say something. Dilshad is right Rashida. Your son is the one who is at fault. When Imtiaz had agreed on the wedding then what was the reason for going at the Sanctuary and talking and sitting so close? People try taking advantage of that and they took it and we are the ones who are facing the loss. You’re right mom, you also only blame me. When Fayyaz was alive

, mom used to get money for her expenses. We used to be right then and now we’re the ones who are wrong because we’ve gotten poor and the other son has gotten rich. Mom lives in his house and sleeps in a room with an AC, of course she’ll feel that they’re the ones who are right. Are you listening to how she’s taunting us? So what? I am living in my own son’s house. It’s not like I’m somebody else’s house. And the sanctuary is in my husband’s house and if the business is running then it’s running in my own house. And besides, Imtiaz didn’t force your son for the house, he gave it from his own happiness. So called! Huh! I should be leaving now.. Sister.. Sister in law! Dad? Yes? Aunty had come, she got upset and left. Why? Mom and grandmother insulted her so badly, she didn;t even have tea. Fine, I’ll talk to her. Go and get tea for me. Why did she get upset and leave? My sister in law has a lot of attitude problem.. Look! Look! Look! He’s the same boy.. Who? Whose video got viral of the sanctuary. Sister in law, Asalam o alikum! Why did you get upset and leave? 

I had thought we’re meeting after such a long time, we’ll have a heart to heart conversation but mom and Dilshad twisted the whole thing on me and Wajdan. They insulted me so much. If you hadn’t delayed Zoya and Wajdan’s marriage then we wouldn’t have to see this day. We can still control the situation. It will be better if we get Zoya and Wajdan married as soon as possible. People will stop talking. Look Imtiaz, everything can get fixed by this one single decision. Kashf’s sanctuary might also start running.. What do you say? What does Wajdan have to say about this? What will he say? He goes to the shop in the morning and comes late at night and goes to sleep. He has gone quiet. Fine. I’ll let you know soon. Let me think about it.. I am already very worried these days.. Alright sure. I’ll wait for your answer.. Khuda hafiz.. Hello? It’s Zoya speaking

Whose number is this? This is also my number, save it. Okay. How is Kashf now? You’re still worried about her after all that happened. How is it Kashf’s fault with whatever happened? What if she made it happen on purpose? Why would she do that? To get rid of the sanctuary. She has also mentioned it before also.. Kashf can never do this. Do you not feel ashamed talking like this about Kashf? She’s your sister. She needs you right now and you’re backbiting about her? You should feel ashamed of yourself. She doesn’t need anybody’s support. She’s very happy these days. Why are you so worried about her? You faced so much loss because of her, you lost the house and you still didn’t get to marry her. One doesn’t see profit and loss in love and who told you we won’t get married?

 So you will still get married to her? Yes. Is there a doubt about it? Alright. Then people will definitely think that this video is not fake and people will point their fingers at Kashf her whole life. If you want that nobody points their fingers at Kashf then you should marry somebody else. I don’t care about people and you keep your useless suggestions to yourself! I know exactly what I need to do. I’ll also see how you’ll be able to marry Kashf. My name is not Zoya if I don’t get you out of Kashf’s magic spell. Dilshad, come out already! What are you doing? Come out! I’m coming! I’m coming! What is it? Imtiaz brother woke me up early in the morning asking me to get ready. God knows what the problem is. He isn’t telling me anything. He has caused such chaos since morning..

 Imtiaz, tell me something. What is the issue? What is your problem? I have told you that I will tell everyone at the sanctuary. I have to make a very important announcement. What announcement? Tell me something.. Just think of it as whatever decision I have made, everything will be absolutely fine after that. the sanctuary will start running then? Yes, the sanctuary will start running. Kashf! Kashf, come already! Please come. You do one thing, call sister in law and Wajdan and ask them to reach there. Whatever that needs to be said will also be said in front of them. And all those people will also stop talking who were assuming things about Kashf and the ones who were accusing her and the ones who had a lot of doubts. Come! Let’s go. Thank you very much that all of you came

. Today I have called you here for a special purpose and that purpose is to unveil the conspiracy that has tried to malign the purity of this sanctuary and most importantly how trials have been made to defame Kashf madam’s pure character. I have filed a report in the police and God willingly very soon you will see that whoever has conspired this will be arrested and he will come before all of you, ask for forgiveness and he will admit that he put false accusations. Kashf madam is Godly. Whatever has happened, Kashf madam had already dreamt about it but she didn’t stop it. Because we are no one to interfere in God's matters. We are nobody, what is our status? Who are we to interfere in God’s matters? The truth is that Wajdan and Kashf madam have been engaged since their childhood and they are going to get married very soon. Now you tell me, the disgusting conspiracy that has been created against Kashf madam in relation to Wajdan, should this have happened? No. Can’t they like each other? And this engagement has been fixed since their childhood and inshAllah very soon they will get married. I have called you people here to unveil this conspiracy. And I would also like to announce that next week Kashf madam and Wajdan are getting married. Congratulations. 

Congratulations. Kashf madam has clearly said that if you people will attend the wedding only then she will get married otherwise she will not get married even if she has to stay unmarried all her life. To all of you, I request the pleasure of your company at the wedding of Kashf madam. Do come, great food will be arranged, Quorma, Biryani, Zarda, butter bread, everything will be served. Raise your hand and tell me who all will come to Kashf madam’s wedding with gifts? We will come. We will come. You have given me immense respect and I am sure as much as I and Kashf madam care for our respect, you care too. Please pray that Kashf madam gets married nicely and that she spends the rest of her life pleasantly. Amen. Oh God protect us from all the evil eyes my Lord. Amen. Amen. Thank you very much to all of you. We have arranged breakfast for all of you, do have the breakfast before you leave. Thank you. The truth is the Wajdan and Kashf madam have been engaged since their childhood and they are going to get married very soon. Now you tell me, the disgusting conspiracy that has been created against Kashf madam in relation to Wajdan, should this have happened? 

No. and inshAllah very soon they will get married. Kashf madam has clearly said that if you people will attend the wedding only then she will get married otherwise she will not get married even if she has to stay unmarried all her life. Who all will come to Kashf madam’s wedding with gifts? We will come. We will come. The truth is the Wajdan and Kashf madam have been engaged since their childhood and they are going to get married very soon. and I am sure as much as I and Kashf madam care for our respect, you care too. Please pray that Kashf madam gets married nicely and that she spends the rest of her life pleasantly. Even after I had transferred the house to uncle’s name,

 I still had doubts whether uncle will actually get us married or not. Especially mom thought that uncle will keep wasting time by making excuses. What happened? Aren’t you happy? I don’t know. I don’t know? You still don’t know? We are getting married! Yes but my life will not see any change after marriage because I’ll have to sit at the sanctuary. Your name will be joined with my name but I will still be Kashf madam. And if that’s not how it is, then? Why? You have promised that. I only remember the promises I made to you. I had promised you that I will take you away from this world where you will not be called Kashf madam, but Kashf Wajdan. At least smile now. I can’t hear you. A little louder. That’s the way. Uncle has amazed me. I mean he announced Kashf and my wedding, satisfied the people and announced the reopening of the sanctuary too. Brother tell me one thing, was the video real or not? Look I can be wrong but Kashf would never do such a thing. You know her. Just pray that nothing becomes a barrier to our marriage and listen, you are coming to my wedding right? Brother you are getting married so urgently, it will be tough for me to come so soon. I will come after the wedding What can I do? Uncle announced so suddenly, I can’t even refuse now. By the way Imtiaz tell me something, how did you think of such a good idea? I am Kashf’s father,

 I can have a few dreams too. Really? Oh no, I was joking. Look, we had to get Kashf married someday, we couldn’t have made her sit unmarried forever. I thought what could be a better time. Because of this people will also stop talking and Kashf will get married too. The people who used to say we won’t get Kashf married will become quiet and those people will also get a shut up call, who had started talking as a result of Mateeullah’s conspiracy. After the wedding even if Wajdan stays at sanctuary all the time no one will object and why would they? They can’t. What an amazing idea Imtiaz. Zoya is also upset and locked in her room since morning. She is very upset. Everything will be fine after a few days. We couldn’t have compromised in the matters of the sanctuary. It is very important for Kashf and Wajdan to get married. Anyway, don’t worry I’ll handle her. Just give twenty to twenty five thousand rupees. I'll take her shopping. She will have a good time shopping and she will be happy.

 Yes yes, take it. Have I ever refused you for money before? Take more money, you have to make arrangements for Kashf’s wedding too. Spend as much as you like, we have to get her married extravagantly. That’s the way to do it, you have made me very happy. Wajdan Mom’s not home. : I have come to meet you. Why have you come to meet me? What do you want to talk about? Wajdan please don’t get married. Please marry me. I will listen to everything you say Please, I will keep you very happy Wajdan, please. Didn’t you hear what uncle said? Kashf and my wedding is fixed. Today is the henna function and tomorrow is the wedding. Please go home and it will be better if you start preparing for attending the wedding too. Go. Don’t do this please. I swear, I swear I will never let you have any complaints and nor will I complain about anything to you. 

Please Wajdan. Zoya enough! Why don’t you understand? How many times have I told you? Go from here! Okay I’ll go but do remember when my love will bring you back to me then I will have the power to decide. Asslamualaikum. How are you Mateeullah? Do you remember? This is the same place where you held my collar. : Do you know what I think when I see you? You are so cheap. My mom used to say this to me too when I was young. I know that I am very cheap but you are cheaper than me, I didn’t know that. Mateeullah, you tried to use my daughter Erum against me, I stayed quiet but now you have crossed all limits of cheapness. In the matter of Wajdan and Kashf, this cheapness can neither be measured nor weighed No matter how low you go Imtiaz, you won’t be able to win from me. For that you will have to change your thinking. Think like me. I didn’t have money, I only had a brain. The brain taught me how to make money. Now I have money and a brain. 

Now think about all that I can do to you. Wajdan and Kashf are getting married tomorrow, at the same sanctuary that you had conspired to defame. I know you won’t come but it is my duty to give you the invitation and what have you done to your sanctuary? No man, not even a bird, there is no one here. Spend some money. Take some from me. People give me a lot. In fact they also ask me, brother Imtiaz tell us if there is a needy person we can help them. Should I tell them about you? If you say I can give them your phone number. They will come to your house and give you the money. I’ll take a leave. Khuda hafiz. Don’t throw it Mateeullah, God’s name is written on it. Kashf, daughter of Imtiaz Ahmed is to be married to Wajdan Ahmed son of Fayyaz Ahmed with the gift money of two lac rupees half of which will be given now and half later, do you accept? I do. Do you accept?

 I do. Do you accept? I do. Congratulations to all of you, Kashf madam has gotten married. Congratulations, congratulations, congratulation. Alright everybody please pray. Amen. Congratulations. Congratulations uncle. We also want to meet Kashf madam. We want to meet her too, we want to meet her too. We will surely let you meet the bride but first have dinner.  Please come. Hello, assalamualaikum. Walikum assalam. You were missing me right? Don’t you lie to me, because… I don’t lie. I know. Do you know, I was missing you a lot? In fact you can say that I was waiting for you here.. thinking when will you be near me, when will you be sitting in front of me,

 I would hold your hand, look into your eyes and tell you all the things that I have saved in my heart since so long. How will this night pass? Go to sleep, it will pass. Who can sleep now? Keep laughing like this. My entire night will pass listening to your laugh. What happened? I don’t know, I think something broke. Listen I’ll call you back in a while. Listen listen, you won’t go to sleep will you? No. If you will fall asleep I will come and wake you up. What? We are married now. I still haven’t come to you yet. Exactly only eighteen hours, twenty minutes and fifteen seconds are left. Go and see what has broken, Allah hafiz. Alright listen… What? Khuda hafiz Khuda hafiz. 

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