Muqaddar - Episode 29 || English Subtitles || 31st August 2020 - HAR PAL GEO


Do you have no shame? what nonsense? She is so young andshe doesn’t have an affair. Abeera. She is not that simple. Shut up. Why? Are you in love with her? You won’t shut up? Madam Sarkar, please go from here, if uncle comes he will get upset. Its not right for you to sit on the stairs. Please. Yes, Saad, tell me,are you in love with her? I am sorry at your thinking, she is madam Sarkar. I know how to respect relations,that.. That? That you don’t know.You won’t talk to her like this again. who are you to stop me? If she cannot hear me,she can leave this home. 

That won’t happen. Then this will happen to her. who is it? Its me Shahnaz. Come inside. Madam Sarkar,madam is calling you. me? All ok? I don’t know,she told me to get you. Okay, where is she? She is in her room. Fine, you go, I will come. Sure. Should I go or not? You called me sister? Sister? Since when didI become your sister? I will need to find arelation to talk to you. You are right, you can call me wife of Saif ur Rehman. In fact, no, you can call me Shahnaz,no actually madam. You hear that? If you want to live here,you will have to do what I tell you. What do I think ofthis smile on your face? I am in the habit of smiling.What do I do? You fooled our Saif with this smile. 

Why did you call me? You are madam Sarkar inthe eyes of Saif ur Rehman. You have any idea how big ofa title this is for our family. yes, I am very proud of it. But in our eyes,your worth is lower than Shahnaz. Massage my feet. I don’t like the ones who followmy order make me wait. Massage my feet. our position in this home is the same,then why me? you don’t know my position andimportance in this home right now. I do. I know what you arethinking and smiling. Remember, if Saif ur rehman finds out anything, I will send you to a placewhere you can’t imagine. Come on, massage my feet, so that you know your position. I won’t massage your foot. As far as my position is concernedI know my position well. You are flying high, I will cut your wings, don’t stand next to me. You are the one trying to stand next to me.You need to know my position in this home I am not used to hearing things, you will do what I tell you. me No, don’t say a word or I can cut your tongue too.

 Hear me out Mrs. Saif, I am not your servant, I am the queen of Saif ur Rehman’sheart and his favorite wife. Don’t talk to me in thistone or mannerin future or else I have hands too. Thank you Raima. No need to thank me, we are going for dinner,you should dress up. It feels like I am 25. Can I say something? Actually a request. Why are talking like that? I am afraid of you getting upset. I wont get upset. You go ahead. Saif, go ahead. Nothing special, forget it. Fine, come soon. I will get late, you sleep. I might go to Farkhanda… No, I will wait for you. I will try. I will wait. Bye Mr. Sardar. Yeah? are you going somewhere? Yes, Kirmani has a dinner at his home. Take me along. What will you do there? No, madam Shafaat has a dinnerat her home, drop me there. Than take your own car.The driver will take you. My car is at the workshop. how did a new car go to a workshop? Its not new. You took 15 millionlast month for a car. Yes, but I didn’t get the car. Where is the money? I liked a diamond set.I got that. You did good, but… haha, even if you wear such an expensive set, you will stay the same and the best part, in this age, the diamond wont suit you. why did you have to getmarried for a second time? because I wanted a wifelike a diamond that makes this home shine,that is what Raima did. He did get a diamond, but I will make sure I scratch it. I am coming. Yes.

 Say what you have to, to my face. Don’t get jealous on the inside, this has made you like this. Look at me, I am so happy. See Raima, she is happy, she is fresh like a rose. You know what they say a clean heart, a pretty face. I am telling you the formula to stay pretty. Come on. Where did Saif go? Where are you going? Looking for Saif? Yes. actually he was with us last night. With you? Yes, I had told you, you are temporary. Should I think you arebeing stupid or lost? You consider this our pride. You were Raima Alvi, right? Saif ur Rehman took away your existenceand relations after marrying you and you lost your respect too. So you speak nonsenseeveryday or its special today. Be smart or he will take everything and leave you empty handed. He has never lacked girls in his life and I am madam Sarkar. After all, Saif ur Rehman likes tasting allfruit no matter how bitter it is, and you have to spit it out. I don’t think you get me, you are my husband's first wife, who couldn’t make a place in his heart, thus the inferiority complex. Also, I am no fruit, I am his breath, stuck on his throat. shut up or I will kill you. You have no idea ofthe hatred of a first wife. Abeera,

 child you just cameand you are leaving. I came to talk to mama. Yes, then talk. I will do it later. Come here. Come. Abeera, your father is calling you,listen to him. Go ahead, say what you want. Sit, till you don’t sit,how do I talk to you? Have you left me capableof sitting with you? You are still a child. Papa, how long willyou consider me a kid? Till the time you don’t stopgetting upset on small things. it’s nothing small, you shouldn’t have married Raima,you didn’t do good. Good or bad, I did it child. how you don’t see me. Who said this to you. I am saying it. You are wrong. Papa, I cant share you with anyone. who is telling you to? You are my daughter, she is my wife, you two have your own place. I don’t understand. Listen, every relation has its place, your place is higher. Even if 10 women like Raima come,they cannot take your place. Meaning, no one can take my place? Look child, don’t compare yourself with her, you don’t see everyone the same way. But, I feel…

 You feel wrong. I just told you, your position is higher. that is why you insulted me that day? Come here, I am sorry. I was upset, I said it. You are my life,have I ever said no to anything? Papa, why don’t you leave Raima? it’s impossible now child. She took you away from me. no one took me away from you. As far as leaving Raima is concerned, it’s impossible. Why? Its about respect, she is my wife. Respectable people don’t leave their fiancee,how can I leave my wife. I will listen to everything, but you wont say this again. Or else? Or else I will go away from you. You just said I am your life. You are, but at times some people are alive, but their hearts die. That’s it Abeera, you will not get intoany stupid discussion. Go to your room. Go. Abeera came to talk to youabout something important. She will do it later. Love, do one thing, pack my bag. Why? Are you going somewhere?

 I have to go to Islamabad for a conference. How long will you be gone for? It will take me a week. You will stay there for a week? You come along. I don’t want to go, you can take your first wife and daughter if you want. what are you saying? You are my life, if you are with me, I like it. I am at peace when you by my side. You are upset about something? When you didn’t come last night I checkedif you were home or not, I heard you telling your daughter that a woman like me cannot take her place. it happens, this is what you are worried about it’s good you said it or I would have been hurt. Come here, you are my life you know that. I love you madly. Abeera, I love her like my daughter, you are my love, you both have a special place in my heart. It’s like there are many flowers in the world, like roses and garlands. Neither cant take each other's place. You are a rose,

 beautiful, someone we love, the smell of which fills us up. Abeera is like Garland, pure and respectable. For some people children are worth more than themselves, that’s how my daughter is. To be honest if either of you is hurt, I will fight till I die. What are you saying? God Forbid. Tell me, are you coming along? No, I will live peacefully in my room. You will be busy in the conference I will get bored. Fine, if there is an issue call me. Listen, I wont pick up if I am in the conference. You can message, I will reply. Yes, you get me my books. Yes, I will tell Saad, he will get them. Look at this, she drives so fast. Hello

. Hello, don’t drive so fast my love. Why? Will I die? may God protect you. Papa, let me tell you I am already dead. What are you saying? Honestly, I am not able to show my face in public cause of this girl. Be careful, she is in place of your mother. she can never be my mother. Fine, I agree, but can you deny that she is my wife? I am hurt about this, I get embarrassed in front of my friends cause of her. To hell with such company that discusses my wedding with you. Papa... 

My love, be patient. I am going to Islamabad for a conference, I will talk when I come back and behave. I know you are a good girl. Raima, don’t worry. I am not worried. Look, it was your decision to come here, and I knew of all this but you wanted to come... Okay, you don’t worry now. You are pretty. I don’t want to, but I am going. oh, you two are together. Yes, she was sad, I would come ask her why she is sad, she got upset. What do you mean? Saad, seeing her don’t you feel… Mrs. Farkhanda, be quiet. Let me tell Saad everything. Didn’t Sardar tell you that madam Sarkar is loyal to her husband, their past record is clear. Unlike you, you have stories. What are you saying mama? why are you hurt? I can give you guarantee of madam Sarkar's character. How can you?

 we used to study together in university, she was my class fellow. Then you must have been friends too. Mama, you will blame me now? Why? Arent class fellows friends? We didn’t even talk in university, you can ask her yourself. I don’t need to give anyone justifications. I know well what I am, I don’t need anyone's support. Mama, can I say something? You are not doing right. What did I do? You cannot test madam Sarkar's patience like this? Now you will tell me and how dare you call her madam Sarkar in front of me. Mama, that is uncle’s order. If you call her madam Sarkar in front of me again, then I will cut your tongue. Don’t take undue advantage of our love son. Mrs. Farkhanda what pool have you put me in, this is what you think of me? There are many ways to take out enmity, don’t throw dirt on my character. You too have a daughter. God what is my crime?

 What am I being punished for. Oh God, You know it all, why my fate is like this. Hello. Saad, where are you going? Thank you. Thank you so much. Hey, how are you talking? Uncle told me to give this to Raima. These books. What for? Her course books, she wants to complete her education. So madam will now finish her studies. I will go give her the books. Damn his uncle. You massage well,you have no strength. Sorry. I got your books. Madam Sarkar. Are you ok? Madam Sarkar. Oh God, she has high fever. Saad, what happened? mama. what happened? Did you see a ghost?

 Mama, madam Sarkar has high fever. Madam Sarkar? How dare you call her madam Sarkar. Raima. Raima has high fever. Happy? Yes, say that. Say Saif ur Rehman's keep has fever. I am calling the doctor. You wont. Mama, don’t do that. Uncle will get really upset. Who will tell him? And why would you? don’t do that. you don’t do anything. Sit here. Sit. what will I say to uncle? Don’t do that. Are you afraid of your uncle, or you too like her? The way you came downstairs worried, I felt you were attacked. Mama, you have a high place, don’t make me make you lose it. Why? What did I say? You don’t care about me, but that cheap girl. Wow son. Look little master, you don’t know about madam, she will kill me. Don’t worry about that. You just make her soup. What if madam sees me? No one will see you. You just be careful. I will take Abeera out for dinner, and I think mama has to go somewhere too, as soon as she leaves you go to madam Sarkar's room. Little Master, don’t get me killed. keep this money, just in case. yes, Saif? what happened? What happened?

 Love, your voice makes me feel you were crying. No, I just woke up. Love, you don’t sleep at this hour. You are not here, what would I do? Honestly. Yes, I am fine, don’t worry. I worry for you. If you don’t worry for love it dies. You don’t worry, your love will never die. Raima, are you ok? Yes, I am fine Saif, you don’t worry. Did Farkhanda or Abeera say something? 

I didn’t step out of the room. Why? Step out, it’s your home, you are madam Sarkar, if someone says something insult them, people should fear you. You too are Saeen Sarkar but… Do you hear me? Did Saad get your books? No, he didn’t. Poor thing, must have forgotten, I will remind him. If there is something let me know, I will come back with the first flight. Saif, don’t worry, attend your seminar, you take care, eat on time and sleep on time. I will remember this suggestion. Bye. Bye. This man loves me so much, still he doesn’t has a home in my heart and Haris, despite your rude behavior and insults, you don’t leave my heart. 

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