Jalan Episode 20 [Subtitle Eng] - 28th October 2020 - ARY Digital Drama

  Take him Humaira Give him to me Please take a very good care of him Humaira, he is the last remembrance of Meenu Please don't worry uncle, I will love him more than my life We really trust you that's why we couldn't deny your proposal Maybe that's how I can make up for my mistakes and she could forgive me Uncle please Please don't be disappointed. I am leaving today so please bid me farewell happily. Please let me know whenever you want to meet Hadi, I will bring him to you May God keep you happy my daughter. 

Just think as if we are giving you a piece of our heart Give me my son or else I would call the police! Leave this house right now! I have come to take my son! You can't keep him here forcefully! You have no right over him! He is my daughter Meenu's son! Don't talk about right! I am his father! I have a religious and legal right over him! These things about religion and law don't suit you Asfandyar! Where was your religion when you kicked my daughter out of your house? I gave that matter to God! But for God's sake don't do any harm to this little child I am not going to listen to any of this emotional black mail! Do you understand? I will take Hadi with me! You will not even touch this baby Asfandyar! Do what ever you want to in order to follow your law and religion! I am going to do what I intend to! Please get away from my way! Enough! What are you doing? You can't take this baby away like this! Please don't touch me! Get aside! Get away You also get aside! Please leave him! Leave him! Leave my baby! Leave him! Please don't take him! Indecent people! Uncle please have some patience. Please don't cry Who are you? Her? She is my new maid I have tolerated you a lot! All your work has finished now. So, pack your bag and leave! What do you mean ma'am? The meaning is clear! I don't need you anymore! I have kept a new maid for my work which means that you are fired! Bye bye Don't do this ma'am. I have got little children! Where would they go? 

So? Should I raise your children then? The day Kinza sister came here this place has turned into an orphanage! And what are you doing standing here? Go do your work! Go in the kitchen and do as I told you! Okay ma'am Not ma'am call me Miss bride! Okay Miss bride! But what's my fault? Why are you doing this with me? Your fault is just that the people who hired you are not liked by me! It is just that! Who is this? What do you mean? He is my son! And he is your son too from today! Have you gone mad? Are you in your senses? Nisha? What Nisha? Why did you bring him here? Because he is my son! He is not your son! And this advice must have been given by your sister right? She doesn't want that I should stay in peace here! She is making it a hell for me! Have you gone mad? 

You have gone mad! You create a new show everyday! I have tried really hard to kick Meenu out of this house and you brought her son here Asfand? He is my son! But he is not my son! And there is no need to keep any false expectations from me! She doesn't love you! She loves your house, status and richness! You would realize this very soon! Such an insensitive wife of yours who couldn't even respect her sister would raise your child you think? Abdul Hadi had been with me for so many days! I got attached with him and that cruel man took him away from me! How can we enforce upon somebody's child daughter? Just have some patience. God will bless you with your own child! No Sajeel How can I give my daughter's child to that murderer? That man should be punished! I will drag him to the courts! Tanveer please don't get emotional! He is his father! Doesn't matter how he is! He is Hadi's father! He is his complete authority! We are nobody to him! How do we not belong to him?

 He is our grand child! If nothing then at least we would groom him in the best way and he will become a noble man! What is the use of such conversations which have no output? Humaira get up now, it is time for you to fly now. Let's go now Illiterate stupid girl! Is this your father;s house that you would keep breaking things here? It is better for you not to talk to me right now! This is my house! Everything here will happen according to my will! This is my husband's house! Why don't you go to your husband's house and rule there? Why have you made it a hell for me? You have come here as the biggest problem for this house! You have ruined everybody's peace! Just leave from here before I get you kicked out of here! Why don't you ask your husband about who owns this house? Go and then talk to me later! Why don't you show me all your cards at once? Why do I get to hear something new everyday? What more have you hid from me? Don't you see Hadi is sleeping here? 

Go outside and talk whatever you want to! Oh! I would go out to talk now? And what tone are you talking to me in? Talk slowly! I can't talk slowly! The fire that's burning inside me, do you even have an idea about it? You got me a new gift! Nisha don't test my patience! My tolerance level has ended! What had I thought about you and what you actually are! Leave right now! My son is sleeping here! Just leave! Your son? To hell with your son! Just shut up! You slapped me? What do you think I am? Just hope that I keep thinking what I think about you otherwise something quite worse will happen with you! What worse can you do with me except for this? Don't you feel ashamed to raise your hand on me? Don't say something in future that would provoke me to do it! What do you think? You would hit me and I would keep quiet? Now get lost! Asfand leave my hand! Get lost! Asfand!Get lost! Asfand! Asfand please open the door! Asfand you can't do this to me! Asfand I will break the door if you wont open it! Asfand! Asfand open the door! Do you know Sabra?

 God gives a chance to a person for a while, He leaves him free and sees what a person does. But it doesn't last forever. The person has to be answerable for his deeds one day! And you know you will see it with your eyes Sabra! Right here in this house! The same rope that they tied with one another out of  love will serve to strangle them both! They wont be able to breathe peacefully with each other! Ma'am they have been cursed by a lot of people! By our previous bride and her parents! Curse is not the solution of every bad deed Sabra! There is a thing known as karma! What you sow, you shall reap! You are absolutely right ma'am! My son! He didn't bother to see his son for so many months! And today all of a sudden his fatherhood got alive! What does he think?

 I came in this house for his son? That I would raise his son? He is mistaken! You slapped me because of that child right? This slap is going to cost you a lot Asfand!! Mama! Father be a little gentle! The doll would feel pain! No she is not feeling pain, I am doing it gently. Now we will put bandage on her Father why don't you talk to Nisha about this? She always throws away my toys when she gets angry! She threw my doll from the terrace today! Why is she like this? She is little right now, she will understand it I take care of her things, I take care of her and love her so much but still she does this to me! Oh I see! So you are complaining to father about me so that he scolds me! Okay scold me father! Why do you disturb her daughter? She is your elder sister! I disturb her? I told her not to give my diary to Ahmad! But she had to give my diary! Father I didn't give him the diary! He picked it himself! Don't lie! I know you gave him my diary! In fact this doll hasn't been broken yet! I will break it more! My doll! Nisha! You are becoming ill mannered day by day! This is very bad! Father you only see my faults! And this innocent face never gets scolded! Don't scold her father! You don't need to do this drama now! I know everything! Don't talk to me ever! Look father now she is angry with me! How will I make her feel better now? She will be fine! You got get your doll, her bandage is here Take this Let's do it again! Oh her hair got ruined! My doll has also broken! Nothing is left! Nisha finished everything! Ahmar how is this not possible? Areej is your wife! 

You can easily call her. I know these laws! But I don't understand sister why are you insisting so much? Because I think that it has been so many months and you would have settled down by now! So call you wife as soon as possible now! Get her papers ready! I might have to come to Pakistan for two weeks, I will see then What? Are you telling the truth? Yes but I am coming here for some official work. I have done partnership with Ali so I have to finalize some deals over there. I told you Oh yes I remember! Has Ali come from Pakistan? Yes he has come My flight is in the morning day after tomorrow. But Please don't compel me to make Areej's papers. I don't want to get distracted! Okay I got it.

 I wont say anything. But just come soon. I really miss you! I know you do miss me sister But there is nothing more valuable to me more than my career right now! Not even my own self! Okay we will talk later Areej! Ahmar is coming to Pakistan! Really? Yes Sleep my dear sleep! You are the apple of mother's eyes, no you are the apple of father's eyes. Sleep my baby You are so stubborn! I asked you to leave and you are still here? Where is Kaneez? Kaneez! Madam sent her back! She sent her back? Oh so I don't have the permission to keep a maid of my choice in this house now? Let me to talk to your madam! Please tell me today what's your problem! Who has permitted you to enter my room? I don't need your permission to enter your room! It is my house! I can go anywhere! I think you don't understand things easily! Anyways! You would! I think you don't understand things easily! What do you think? By crying like this in front of Meenu's photo you can prove that you really loved her and you miss her then why don't you sit beside her grave? Stay in your limits! I am in my limit! You are getting out of your limits! Why are you making my life hell because of dead people? Why did she die? Because of you right? Yes she died because of me! I killed her! Do you mind? Get out of my room right now you shameless insensitive girl! I am shameless? And you are very pious right? 

Then why don't you go from here? Don't you feel any shame to destroy your brother's house? To destroy his happiness? Didn't you do the same? Why do you mind now? I see! So now you would criticize me for this my whole life? Let me tell you one thing! It was Asfand's decision to marry me! I didn't force him! I don't know under which spell you got him! Otherwise he was never this stupid! When did I call your brother silly? It was my fault that I left everything for him and came here! I forgot that he is not your brother but a battery operated toy which you operate according to yourself! If I had controlled him, you would never be here! Oh really? I wont let you stay here now! Get out of my house right now!Why do you come here again and again? Why do you come to Pakistan again and again leaving your children and husband alone? What is here for you? Get out of here How dare you? Slap? I wont let you stay here for a moment! What is this noise? How did you slap me? Asfand! Look she slapped me so hard! I didn't say her anything! I didn't listen to her so she slapped me! She wants to control me the way she controls you! Asfand take her away from here right now! Otherwise? What would you do tell me? Nisha come with me please! Come Leave me! Ask your sister to apologize right now! Nisha come with me! Either she would stay here or I! I can't stand her for a second anymore! Drink water please! I don't want it She is your sister! You are bound to bear her not me! I left everything for you Asfand! And you can't do anything for me? Nisha I What Nisha? 

You married me to insult me? You would slap me or your sister would slap me anytime! I am not a servant! I am your wife! Please leave this anger I am really really sorry! I will talk to sister! Sister what are you saying? Where would I take her? This house is yours but No if or but Asfand! My tolerance level has finished now! I can't live with your wife even for a moment in this house! When do you live here? You would go back Who said this? Are you settling here forever? It is obvious that I can't run the business alone, Junaid will be here too! It means that you have already planned everything! Obviously I am your sister! I have to work according to the plans since I have faced a great loss! I never thought you would be so selfish! I also never thought About what you have become or you are made! Why do you hate Nisha so much? She is my wife, I love her! But she doesn't! I don't need your certificate! I am not even giving! I only want to say that pick up your belongings and luggage and go wherever you want to! She wants to kick me out of this house? She should know well who has the power to kick out the other person! Sister you can't do that! I will not go anywhere! I have no objection if you stay here but I am not going to tolerate your wife at all! Not even a minute! Now you decide what do you want to leave! This house or her? Nisha is right about you! Absolutely right! 

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